TDK Electronics · TDK Europe

Ferrite Materials

Please click the materials below to access the corresponding data sheet.

(low loss)
f<100 kHzN27µi = 2000low cost, hi-power
N41µi = 2800current transformer
N51µi = 3000loss min. @ 40°C
f<500 kHzN87µi = 2200standard
N88µi = 1900loss min. @ 140°C
N95µi = 3000flat temperature behavior
N96µi = 2900flat temperature behavior
N97µi = 2300lower losses
f>500 kHzN49µi = 1500 
f>1 MHzPC200µi = 800frequency up to 4 MHz
Output choke
(high Bsat @ 100°C)
N87µi = 2200standard
N92µi = 1500higher saturation
N91µi = 1100highest saturation
BallastN72µi = 2500low Br , near flat temperature behaviour
Signal transformer
(low THD)
ADSLT38µi = 10000standard
T66µi = 13000ADSL2
SHDSLT57µi = 4000 
VDSLM33µi = 750 
Resonance circuit
Filter coil
(low tan δ/µi, high Q,
stable µi over T)
f<100 kHzN48µi = 2300stable impedance over temperature
f<1 MHzM33µi = 750 
f>1 MHzK1µi = 80 
Proximity switch
Sensor coil 
(high and stable Q over T)
f<100 kHzN22µi = 2300 
N48µi = 2300 
f<1 MHzM33µi = 750 
f>1 MHzK1µi = 80 
Current-compensated choke
(high impedance)
N30µi = 4300extended frequency response
T35µi = 6000medium permeability
T36µi = 7000stable impedance over temperature
T37µi = 6500low tanδ/µi
T38µi = 10000high inductance low ηB
T65µi = 5200high Bsat and high Tc
T46µi = 15000highest permeability
E11µi = 1500high f, 30 - 300 MHz
E12µi = 2400flat µi over T, f < 30 MHz
E16µi = 6000high µi, low f<5 MHz, high Bsat and high Tc
E19µi = 9000high µi, low f<5 MHz, high Bsat and high Tc
Filter choke
(high impedance)
T36µi = 7000stable impedance over temperature
T65µi = 5200high Bsat and high Tc
E13µi = 3100high Bs, f<30 MHz, high Tc
E14µi = 3300high Bs, f<30 MHz, high Tc
Data line choke
(high data rate)
K10µi = 800highest frequency

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