TDK Electronics · TDK Europe

Data privacy and marketing consent

I accept the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, and the Cookie Policy and give consent to TDK Electronics AG, TDK Europe GmbH to

My consent can be withdrawn at any time with future effect.

Permission to transfer

My data privacy consent includes the permission to transfer my personal data to countries where other TDK Group Companies are located. In some cases, a country may not have the same level of data protection as in my own country and I understand that TDK has established appropriate safeguards by means of data processing and data transfer agreements to provide an adequate level of data protection. Information about the specific safeguards applying in my case can be requested via

Marketing information

Marketing information includes information about the TDK Group by e-mail and non-electronic means (phone or surface-mail), on a regular basis, e.g. about products, services, online and offline events, campaigns, papers, research, trade fairs, seminars etc.

Joint data controller

I understand that TDK Electronics AG and TDK Europe GmbH remain the responsible joint data controller of my personal data and in case my personal data are shared with another TDK Group Company that other TDK Group Company becomes an equally responsible joint-controller of my personal data.

Withdrawal of Consents

My consents can be withdrawn at any time with future effect by

  • following the instructions in the e-mails to withdraw electronically,
  • contacting TDK Electronics AG and TDK Europe GmbH as single point of contact in respect of all other TDK Group Companies under or
  • contacting the TDK Group Company that has sent me information.

The withdrawal of my consents will not affect the lawfulness of the processing prior to the withdrawal.