TDK Electronics · TDK Europe


TDK Electronics’ top priorities are customer benefits and the quality and cost-effectiveness of its products, processes and services. Yet these issues are not our sole focus: We are equally committed to sustainable management principles as we strive to reconcile economic, social and environmental protection considerations on a variety of levels.

 Bild Lohwasser

"We are taking corporate social responsibility, environmental protection and sustainability very seriously since many years: For example, we have been able to reduce our CO2 emissions by two thirds since 2015. In order to produce as environmentally friendly and low-pollutant as possible, we continuously set ourselves ambitious project goals. It is our aspiration to contribute to solving social and ecological problems and promoting sustainable action, both with our products and technologies and with our behavior."

Dr. Werner Lohwasser
Chairman of the Management Board, CEO and COO TDK Electronics AG

Human rights policy statement

 Policy Statement Pic

Implementation of human rights and environmental due diligence obligations

Respecting human rights and related environmental rights in our business operations and supply chain is of great importance to TDK Electronics.

Learn more about the company's strategy to protect human rights and fulfil its environmental obligations.

Download policy statement