TDK Electronics · TDK Europe

USSM Arduino Library

The compact TDK Ultrasonic Sensor Module measures distances completely invisibly and contact-free. It detects objects using inaudible ultrasonic waves transmitted and received by a piezoelectric disc. 

Customers can evaluate the Ultrasonic Sensor Module using an Arduino Uno microcontroller board. Arduino UNO is a low-cost, flexible, and easy-to-use programmable open-source microcontroller board that can be integrated into various electronic projects.

The TDK USSM Arduino library implements the sensor’s proprietary communication interface, providing easy access to the sensor’s functions. The following application note describes a simple hardware setup and an example Arduino sketch that periodically issues “SEND A” commands and reports the measured range in cm.

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The download contains:

  • Arduino Library
  • Arduino Uno Sketch

Benefits of the library are:

  1. Simplifies sensors handling from single to 50+ sensors
  2. Offers a rich API to use all sensor functions and access all its registers
  3. Portable to different platforms Arduino and non-Arduino
  4. Includes advanced functions of parallel measurements, pitch-catch, in-application calibration, analog envelop … etc.
  5. It comes with a set of ready to use examples like:
    - Sensor registers read write
    - Multiple sensors run in parallel or in sequential mode
    - Pitch-catch measurement mode
    - Analog envelop readout
    - Detailed measurement report
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