TDK Electronics · TDK Europe

TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Privacy Policy

TDK Electronics AG and TDK Europe GmbH (“TDK Electronics | TDK Europe”) are committed to the protection of personal data and privacy rights.

To improve readability, “TDK Electronics | TDK Europe” will be used hereinafter. TDK Electronics | TDK Europe are jointly responsible for this website and the data processing carried out on the basis of this website. If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, in particular regarding your data subject rights and the right to object to a particular data processing activity or the right to withdraw your consent, you may contact either company (12. TDK Personal Data Protection Organization).

The TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Privacy Policy consists of the Personal Data Protection Basic Policy and the Policy for the Handling of Personal Data on the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website (“Privacy Policy”). It describes how TDK Electronics | TDK Europe process personal data in compliance with applicable data protection and other laws and globally accepted data protection principles including the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation, “GDPR”) and the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, BDSG).

This Privacy Policy applies to all activities where TDK Electronics | TDK Europe processes personal data of individuals excluding TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s personnel, which is governed by internal regulations.

Data are personal, if the information contained therein relates to an identified individual or an individual that can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identifier or a combination of identifiers. Processing means any operation or set of operations on personal data, whether or not by automated means and regardless whether electronically, physically in paper or any other form.

The Privacy Policy supplements the applicable data protection laws and other laws without replacing them. In case of a conflict or where an applicable law has stricter or additional requirements the law will take precedence over this Privacy Policy.

Personal Data Protection Basic Policy

Revised: July 17, 2024

1. Scope of Application

This Personal Data Protection Basic Policy is part of TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s Privacy Policy and describes the general rules on how TDK Electronics AG and TDK Europe GmbH (“TDK Electronics | TDK Europe”) process personal data.

2. Personal Data Processing Principles

TDK Electronics | TDK Europe processes personal data in accordance with the following principles:

2.1 Lawfulness, Fairness and Transparency

Personal data are processed on basis of the applicable legal permission and in compliance with applicable laws (lawfulness), in consideration of the interests of the affected individual (fairness) and together with reasonable provision of information including the identity of the legal person that controls and is accountable for the processing of personal data (data controller), the purpose of the processing, associated risks, and necessary safeguards (transparency).

2.2 Purpose Limitation

Personal data are processed for a specified, explicit and legitimate purpose and are no further processed in a manner that is incompatible with that purpose.

2.3 Data Minimization

Personal data are adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purpose for which they are processed.

2.4 Accuracy

Personal data are kept accurate and, where necessary, up to date; every reasonable step is taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate in respect to the purpose for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay.

2.5 Storage Limitation

Personal data are kept in a form which permits identification of the affected individual for no longer than necessary for the purpose for which the personal data are processed.

2.6 Integrity and Confidentiality

Personal data are processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures. Personal data protection is taken into account when new processes are planned and implemented. Technical and organizational measures at TDK Electronics | TDK Europe are continuously adjusted.

3. Business Partner Data

In course of its business operations, TDK Electronics | TDK Europe processes data of its customers, suppliers, agents, providers, sub-contractors, consultants, advisors, journalists, users that access, browse or otherwise use the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website or third party websites on which TDK Electronics | TDK Europe has posted advertisements and other current and potential business partners (“Business Partners”). These data may also include personal data of Business Partners and in case Business Partners are corporations, of individuals (e.g. employees) affiliated with Business Partners.

3.1 Data Categories

Data processed include first, middle and last name, academic title, professional status, position, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, login-in data, online identifiers, IP addresses and other personal data reasonably related to the business relationship with TDK Electronics | TDK Europe. 

3.2 Data Sources

Personal data are obtained through direct and indirect online and offline sources. Direct sources include business cards, e-mails, facsimiles, letters, surveys, data collected via active entries on the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website and other electronic or non-electronic communication and interaction between TDK Electronics | TDK Europe and an individual in course of a potential or existing business relationship. Indirect sources include publicly available data collected by TDK Electronics | TDK Europe, data of Users that access, browse or otherwise use the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website or third party websites on which TDK Electronics | TDK Europe has posted advertisements and data received from third parties including TDK Group Companies and other Business Partners in compliance with applicable laws.

3.3 Processing Purposes

Personal data are processed for TDK Electronics | TDK Europe ’s business operations, including Business Partner relationship management, research and development, regulatory compliance checks of the TDK business partners, manufacturing, enterprise resource planning, data analysis for supply, online and offline marketing and sales activities, market observance and orientation, provision of product and service information, making and answering requests and inquiries, making and accepting quotes, offers, and any communication, cooperation, and other activities reasonably related to TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s business operations.

Data analysis activities may comprise automated processing including the profiling of individuals affiliated with Business Partners. TDK Electronics | TDK Europe may in particular combine data from the above-described direct and indirect online and offline sources and analyze or predict preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location, movements and other activities of Business Partners and in case Business Partners are corporations, of individuals affiliated with Business Partners. TDK Electronics | TDK Europe conducts such analysis activities to understand the needs of its Business Partners, in particular to enhance, develop, present and provide new products to them, online and offline.

Online activities include targeted advertisements on the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website, third party websites and in User accounts, online newsletters by email or other electronic means, promotional campaigns and other activities reasonably related to TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s business operations.

Offline activities include the delivery of marketing and other promotional material including samples by mail and other activities reasonably related to TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s business operations.

3.4 Permission 

Personal data are processed in compliance with applicable laws on basis of the applicable legal permission, in particular the initiation and performance of a contract, where the individual has given consent to the processing, where the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which TDK Electronics | TDK Europe is subject to and where the processing of personal data is in the legitimate interest of TDK Electronics | TDK Europe. Legitimate interests are the development, nurturing and enhancement of existing and initiation of new business relationships and any activities reasonably related thereto to pursue TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s business operations.

4. Recruitment Data

In course of its business operations, TDK Electronics | TDK Europe processes data related to the recruitment of new personnel. These data may also include personal data of individuals.

4.1. Data Categories

Data processed include first, middle and last name, academic title, professional status, position, birth date, personal status, work history, current position and former positions, education, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, login-in data, online identifiers, IP addresses and other personal data reasonably related to the recruitment of new personnel. 

4.2. Data Sources

Personal data are obtained through direct and indirect online and offline sources. Direct sources include business cards, job applications, emails, facsimiles, letters, meetings, entries on the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website and other electronic or non-electronic communication and interaction between an individual and TDK Electronics | TDK Europe in the course of a job application. Indirect sources include publicly available data, data of Users that access, browse or otherwise use the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website or third party websites on which TDK Electronics | TDK Europe has posted advertisements and data received in compliance with applicable laws from third parties including TDK Group Companies and other Business Partners in the course of a recruitment process, e.g. recruiting agencies and HR service providers.

4.3. Processing Purposes

Personal data are processed for searching and recruiting new personnel for TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s business operations including any activities reasonably related thereto. 

4.4. Permission

Personal data are processed in compliance with applicable laws on basis of the applicable legal permission, in particular where necessary for the job application and the initiation of an employment relationship with TDK Electronics | TDK Europe, where the individual has given consent to the processing, where the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which TDK Electronics | TDK Europe is subject and where the processing of personal data is in the legitimate interest of TDK Electronics | TDK Europe. Legitimate interests are the processing of the job application to find and recruit skilled personnel for TDK Electronics | TDK Europe and other TDK Group Companies and any activities reasonably related thereto. 

5. Website Data and Cookies

For information about the processing of personal data on the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website and third party websites, please refer to Policy for the Handling of Personal Data on the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Websites and to the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Cookie Policy.

6. Retention Periods

Personal data will be removed from TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s systems and records and/or steps are taken to anonymize data if processing is no longer required for the original purpose unless it is necessary to keep personal data to comply with a legal obligation to which TDK Electronics | TDK Europe is subject, e.g. statutory retention periods under applicable laws including commercial and tax laws, or where TDK Electronics | TDK Europe has a legitimate interest in retaining information in compliance with applicable laws, e.g. for filing, enforcing or defending legal claims. TDK Electronics | TDK Europe has installed and maintains retention policies in compliance with applicable data protection and other laws.

7. Transfer of Personal Data

TDK Electronics | TDK Europe is part of the TDK Group of Companies with joint business operations ( TDK Electronics | TDK Europe may transfer data including personal data to other TDK Group Companies, Business Partners, courts, law enforcement agencies and other third parties, which may have access to and/or process personal data. Transfers are made on a need to know basis in compliance with applicable laws and agreements with Business Partners.

7.1 Transfer to TDK Group Companies

The purpose of data transfers to other TDK Group Companies ( is the support of business operations of TDK Electronics | TDK Europe within the TDK Group of Companies through the joint utilization of data. This may include joint business operations and the outsourcing of internal functions and the utilization of external resources, e.g. procurement and manufacturing, marketing, data analysis, Business Partner relationship management, research and development, education, administration, IT functions, HR functions, compliance with corporate organization and corporate governance rules and other activities reasonably related to TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s business operations. Categories of personal data transferred are described in 3.1 and 4.1 above.

TDK Group Companies that act as service providers are contractually bound to take appropriate technical and organizational security measures to safeguard and process personal data only as instructed by TDK Electronics | TDK Europe. The same applies to any sub-providers of TDK Electronics | TDK Europe service providers.

7.2 Transfer to Business Partners

Purpose of data transfers to Business Partners is to outsource internal functions and utilize external resources, e.g. IT services, HR, recruiting, marketing activities, marketing data analysis, administration of campaigns, offline and online advertisement, publishing, design, legal, tax, financial advisory services and other activities reasonably related to TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s business operations. 

Business Partners that act as service providers for TDK Electronics | TDK Europe are contractually bound to take appropriate technical and organizational security measures to safeguard and process personal data only as instructed by TDK Electronics | TDK Europe. The same applies to any sub-providers of TDK Electronics | TDK Europe service providers. 

7.3 Transfer to government authorities, courts, law enforcement agencies

Purpose of data transfer to government authorities, courts, law enforcement agencies and other public bodies is to comply with obligations to which TDK Electronics | TDK Europe is subject to under applicable laws, e.g. transfer and disclosure obligations under social security law, civil procedure law, tax, import and export laws.

8. Transfer of Personal Data to Countries Outside the EU

To the extent personal data are transferred to and processed in other countries than where TDK Electronics | TDK Europe is established, TDK Electronics | TDK Europe transfers personal data in compliance with applicable laws and has established appropriate safeguards by means of data processing and data transfer agreements that oblige the recipient in the other country to establish and adhere to an adequate level of data protection.

Qualified service providers (e.g. IT service providers, marketing agencies) are used for the operation, optimization and protection of the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website. When certain tools are used, data may be transferred to recipients outside the EU, where there is not the same level of data protection as provided in the EU in accordance with the GDPR (e.g. USA). More detailed information on the service providers is provided in the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Cookie Policy.

9. Information Obligations

In compliance with applicable laws, TDK Electronics | TDK Europe informs individuals about the personal data processing activities as described in the TDK Privacy Policy and the TDK Cookie Policy. Both online and offline, TDK Electronics | TDK Europe refers individuals to the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website for information on data protection activities.

10. Consent and Withdrawal of Consent

Where required under applicable data protection and other laws, TDK Electronics | TDK Europe processes any data only after obtaining consent. Providing consent and data is voluntary. Before obtaining consent, TDK Electronics | TDK Europe will duly inform each individual about the respective processing activity. Without providing data, an individual may not be able to engage with TDK Electronics | TDK Europe in respect to TDK Electronics | TDK Europe ’s business operations.

Consent can be withdrawn at any time with future effect by emailing teg.webmaster(at) or by sending a withdrawal notice to the contact address stated under section 12 below. A withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of the processing prior to the withdrawal.

12. TDK Personal Data Protection Organization

TDK Electronics AG and TDK Europe GmbH (“TDK Electronics | TDK Europe”) are committed to the protection of personal data and privacy rights. TDK Electronics AG and TDK Europe GmbH are jointly responsible for this website and the data processing carried out on the basis of this website. If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, in particular regarding your data subject rights and the right to object to a particular data processing activity or the right to withdraw your consent, you may contact either company.

TDK Electronics AG (formerly EPCOS AG)

Rosenheimer Straße 141e

81617 Munich



TDK Europe GmbH

Rosenheimer Strasse 141e

81671 Munich



Alternatively, you can contact the relevant data protection officers. These can be reached using the following contact details:

13. Change Management

TDK Electronics | TDK Europe may change the Personal Data Protection Basic Policy, the Policy for the Handling of Personal Data on TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Websites and the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Cookie Policy at any time and without explicit notice. The enactment date and the date of the last revision is shown in the respective document and any prior versions can be requested from TDK Electronics | TDK Europe.

Policy for the Handling of Personal Data on the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Websites

Revised: July 17, 2024

1. Scope of Application

This Policy for the Handling of Personal Data on TDK Websites is part of TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s Privacy Policy.

It describes how TDK Electronics | TDK Europe processes data of users that access, browse or otherwise use the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website or third party websites on which TDK Electronics | TDK Europe has posted advertisements (“Users”). These data include also personal data that Users actively send, transmit or otherwise provide on TDK’s website and that TDK Electronics | TDK Europe collects or otherwise obtains via cookies.

For detailed information about the use of cookies please refer to the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Cookie Policy.

2. Purposes

TDK Electronics | TDK Europe processes data for its Services (2.1 below) and Marketing (2.2. below) only after the consent of the User. Providing consent and data is voluntary. Before obtaining any consent, TDK Electronics | TDK Europe will duly inform each individual about the respective processing activity. Without providing data, a User may still access, browse or otherwise use the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website but may not able to benefit from some or all of the Services. Regarding the withdrawal of consent and other rights of Users, please refer to the Personal Data Protection Basic Policy.

2.1 Services

TDK Electronics | TDK Europe processes data including personal data for providing the following services in connection with its business operations (“Services”).

2.1.1 User Accounts

After registration, TDK Electronics | TDK Europe offers personalized User accounts that allow access to product information and services and other information reasonably related to TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s business operations.

2.1.2 Inquiries and Requests

TDK offers the possibility to make online inquiries and requests regarding its products and services and strives to revert to the inquirer in due time.

2.1.3 Newsletter and Electronic Communications

We send newsletters, emails and other electronic communications (hereinafter referred to as "newsletters") only with the consent of the recipient or a legal permission. Insofar as the contents of the newsletter are specifically described within the framework of registration, they are decisive for the consent of the user. Otherwise, our newsletters contain information about our services and us.

In order to subscribe to our newsletters, it is generally sufficient to enter your email address. We may, however, ask you to provide a name for the purpose of contacting you personally in the newsletter or to provide further information if this is required for the purposes of the newsletter.

Double opt-in procedure

The registration to our newsletter takes place in general in a so-called Double-Opt-In procedure. This means that you will receive an email after registration asking you to confirm your registration. This confirmation is necessary so that no one can register with external email addresses.

The registrations for the newsletter are logged to be able to prove the registration process according to the legal requirements. This includes storing the login and confirmation times as well as the IP address. Likewise, the changes of your data stored with the dispatch service provider are logged.

Deletion and restriction of processing

We may store the unsubscribed email addresses for up to three years based on our legitimate interests before deleting them to provide evidence of prior consent. The processing of these data is limited to the purpose of a possible defense against claims. An individual deletion request is possible at any time, provided that the former existence of a consent is confirmed at the same time. In the case of an obligation to permanently observe an objection, we reserve the right to store the email address solely for this purpose in a blocklist.

Information on legal bases

The sending of the newsletter is based on the consent of the recipients or, if consent is not required, because of our legitimate interests in direct marketing. Insofar as we engage a service provider for sending emails, this is done based on our legitimate interests. The registration procedure is recorded on the basis of our legitimate interests for the purpose of demonstrating that it has been conducted in accordance with the law.


Information about TDK Electronics | TDK Europe (and the TDK Group companies and their brands), e.g. invitations to events and trade shows where TDK Electronics is represented.

Analysis and performance measurement

The newsletters contain a so-called "web-beacon", i.e. a pixel-sized file, which is retrieved from our server when the newsletter is opened or, if we use a mailing service provider, from its server. Within the scope of this retrieval, technical information such as information about the browser and your system, as well as your IP address and time of retrieval are first collected.

This information is used for the technical improvement of our newsletter on the basis of technical data or target groups and their reading behavior on the basis of their retrieval points (which can be determined with the help of the IP address) or access times. This analysis also includes determining whether newsletters are opened, when they are opened and which links are clicked. For technical reasons, this information can be assigned to the individual newsletter recipients. It is, however, neither our endeavor nor, if used, that of the shipping service provider to observe individual users. The evaluations serve us much more to recognize the reading habits of our users and to adapt our content to them or to send different content according to the interests of our users.

The evaluation of the newsletter and the measurement of success is carried out, subject to the express consent of the user, on the basis of our legitimate interests for the purposes of using a user-friendly and secure newsletter system which serves both our business interests and the expectations of the user.

A separate objection to the performance measurement is unfortunately not possible, in this case the entire newsletter subscription must be cancelled or objected to.

  • Processed data types: Inventory data (e.g. names, addresses), Contact data (e.g. email, telephone numbers), Meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses), Usage data (e.g. websites visited, interest in content, access times).
  • Data subjects: Communication partner (Recipients of emails, letters, etc.).
  • Purposes of Processing: Direct marketing (e.g. by email or postal).
  • Legal Basis: Consent (Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR), Legitimate Interests (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR).
  • Opt-Out: You can cancel the receipt of our newsletter at any time, i.e. revoke your consent or object to further receipt. You will find a link to cancel the newsletter either at the end of each newsletter or you can otherwise use one of the contact options listed above, preferably email.

Services and service providers being used: Press Newsletter

Any user who subscribes to the Press Newsletter can unsubscribe from the Press Newsletter at any time and/or request to delete his/her account by contacting the following email address:

2.1.4 Information Download

After registration, TDK Electronics | TDK Europe offer information about products and services and other information reasonably related to TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s business operations.

2.1.5 Promotional Campaigns

TDK Electronics | TDK Europe invites Users to take part in online promotional and other campaigns to bring TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s products and services and other information reasonably related to TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s business operations to the attention of current and potential customers and the wider public. TDK Electronics | TDK Europe asks individuals to provide their comments and opinions about TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s products and services. TDK Electronics | TDK Europe may also send materials and samples and other giveaways and information offline to Users participating in the campaigns.

2.1.6 Recruitment

TDK Electronics | TDK Europe may offer information about job vacancies of any kind on its website and invite individuals to file applications via TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s website.

2.1.7 PC and Mobile Application Software

TDK Electronics | TDK Europe offers software for specific services and functions alone or together with TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s products, services and other activities reasonably related to TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s business operations. TDK Electronics | TDK Europe provides certain support services like software and firmware support. Software applications may create crash reports that help TDK Electronics | TDK Europe and third party software developers to resolve any issues with the software.

2.2 Marketing

For its marketing activities TDK Electronics | TDK Europe processes data that Users have actively sent, transmitted or otherwise provided on the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website for Services (see 2.1 above) and that TDK Electronics | TDK Europe have collected or otherwise obtained via cookies from its and third party websites where TDK Electronics | TDK Europe has posted advertisements. For detailed information about the use of cookies, please refer to the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Cookie Policy.

TDK Electronics | TDK Europe analyses such data alone or in combination or together with other data including personal data TDK Electronics | TDK Europe has lawfully received. Data analysis activities may comprise automated processing including profiling. TDK Electronics | TDK Europe may, in particular combine data from the above-described direct and indirect online and offline sources and analyze or predict preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location, movements and other activities of Users. TDK Electronics | TDK Europe conducts such analysis to understand the needs of the Users, in particular to enhance, develop, present and provide new products to them, online and offline.

Online activities include targeted advertisements on the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website, third party websites and in User accounts, online newsletters by email or other electronic means, promotional campaigns and other activities reasonably related to TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s business operations.

Offline activities include the delivery of marketing and other promotional material including samples by mail and other activities reasonably related to TDK Electronics | TDK Europe’s business operations.

TDK Electronics | TDK Europe processes data for the following marketing activities:

2.2.1 Downloads and Webinars

Downloads and participation in webinars are not free of charge, but website users pay with data, not with money. Users will only receive the information if they have first shared their personal data with TDK Electronics | TDK Europe (this is usually their name, company, country, email address, time stamp and lead ID; the data are specified in the marketing activity) and have given their marketing consent for TDK Electronics | TDK Europe and other TDK Group Companies ( as a contractual consideration. An exact breakdown of the companies with which the data and consent are shared is given in the respective marketing activity.

The personal data are stored for 2 years. The user's data are passed to the regional sales organization depending on which country the user indicates. This organization may be based in a country outside the EU, so in such a case the user consents to the sharing and processing of data in a country where there may not be an EU level of data privacy.

The marketing consent enables TDK Electronics AG, its subsidiaries and affiliated companies as well as the regional sales organizations to email users with information about similar products and services as described in the respective marketing activity.

Users can withdraw their consent at any time with future effect and with no disadvantage, by emailing or contacting the address given here in section 13 (TDK Personal Data Protection Organization). The legitimacy of data processing will not be affected until you withdraw your consent. Otherwise you are entitled to all data subject rights as described in section 12 of the Personal Data Protection Basic Policy (Rights of Individuals). You will also receive further information about data subject rights – in particular about withdrawing consent and objection – in the various emails.

The following downloads and webinars are currently available: 

Sensors for Thermal Management of BEVs keyboard_arrow_rightWhite papers are available on this marketing website. Users can download these if they have first shared their personal data (name, email address, country, lead ID, time stamp) with TDK Electronics AG, its defined subsidiaries and affiliated companies in the Sensors and Sensor Systems product area and the sales organizations corresponding to the individual choice of country.

2.2.2 Cooperation with Partner Websites

The marketing program involves the use of tracking pixels from our partner Digi-Key Corporation. This enables personalized adverts to be displayed on our partner’s websites. If a User visits our partner’s website after visiting the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website, the User is shown personalized adverts relating to TDK Electronics products on our partner’s website.

The tracking pixel is sent to the User’s browser by This means that Digi-Key is able to send cookies – on the condition that the User of the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website has already consented to the activation of targeting cookies in the cookies banner. The Digi-Key cookies collect information on the date, campaign ID, user agent (browser) and referral website, as well as the TDK product number if available. The cookies therefore contain a unique ID. This enables Digi-Key to present personalized content to Users who interact with Digi-Key website offers. Through the cookies, Digi-Key receives the information that the User has visited the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website and then Digi-Key’s website. However, Digi-Key is not able to find out which other websites the User has visited in this way. Digi-Key Corporation has its registered office in the USA. This means that data processing takes place outside the EU, where there is a lower statutory level of data protection. Further information on data processing at Digi-Key is available at

2.2.3 Social Media Plugins

TDK Electronics | TDK Europe uses social plugins from various social networks on its website.

When plugins are used, the User’s web browser establishes a direct connection with the servers of the relevant social network. Through this connection, the provider concerned receives the information that your web browser has accessed the relevant page on the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website – even if the User does not have a User account with the provider or is not logged into their User account at the time. Log files (including IP address) are transmitted by the web browser directly to a server belonging to the relevant provider and, where applicable, stored on that server. The provider and/or its servers may be located outside the EU (e.g. in the USA).

The plugins are independent extensions from the social network providers. TDK Electronics | TDK Europe has no influence over the scope of the data collected and stored by the social network providers via the plugins. Information on the purpose and scope of the collection, further processing and use of the data by the social network, as well as your related rights and setting options for protecting your privacy, can be found in the privacy policy of the relevant social network.

If you do not want the social network providers to collect and, where applicable, store and use data via the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website, you should not use the plugins concerned.

Social media plugins with 2-click solution

By using what is known as a 2-click solution, TDK Electronics | TDK Europe ensures that Users’ visits to the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website are not recorded and analyzed by social network providers by default. When you visit a page on the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website that contains social plugins, these plugins are initially disabled. The social plugins are not enabled until you click on the button provided.

Social media plugins from X (formerly Twitter)

X is operated by Twitter International Unlimited Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, D02 AX07, Ireland (“X”). An overview of the X plugins and what they look like is available at; information on data protection at X is available at

Social media plugins from Xing

Xing is operated by XING SE, Dammtorstraße 30, 20354 Hamburg, Germany (“Xing”). An overview of the Xing plugins and what they look like is available at; information on data protection at Xing is available at

Social media plugins from LinkedIn

LinkedIn is operated by LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“LinkedIn”). An overview of the LinkedIn plugins and what they look like is available at; information on data protection at LinkedIn is available at

2.2.4 Analysis Tools

Google Analytics

The TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited (Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland). This involves the Universal Analytics mode of operation, which enables data, sessions and interactions across multiple devices to be assigned to a pseudonymous user ID, thus allowing a User’s activities to be analyzed across devices.

Google Analytics uses cookies: Text files that are stored on your computer and enable your use of the website to be analyzed. The information generated by the cookie is generally sent to a Google server in the USA and stored there. The activation of IP anonymization on this website means that your IP address is truncated by Google within EU Member States or in other states party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The full IP address will be sent to a Google server in the USA and truncated there in exceptional cases only. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics is not combined with other data held by Google. Google will use this information on behalf of TDK Electronics | TDK Europe to analyze the use of the website, to compile reports on website activities and to provide other services to TDK Electronics | TDK Europe in connection with use of the website and the Internet. The legal basis for the use of Google Analytics is Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR.

Sessions and campaigns are ended after a certain period of time. As standard, sessions are ended after 30 minutes of no activity and campaigns after six months. The time limit for campaigns may be a maximum of two years. Further information on the terms of use and data protection is available at and .

Website users can prevent the storage of cookies by configuring the relevant settings in their browser software accordingly; however, it may not then be possible to use all the functions on the TDK Electronics | TDK Europe Website to their full extent. Website users can also prevent the collection and processing of data generated by the cookie in relation to their use of the website (including their IP address) by Google by downloading and installing the browser add-on. Opt-out cookies prevent the future collection of data when visiting this website. To prevent data collection through Universal Analytics across different devices, the website user must opt out on all systems used. The opt-out cookie is set by clicking on the following link: Disable ​Google Analytics.

LinkedIn Insight Tag

TDK Electronics | TDK Europe website uses the LinkedIn Insight Tag provided by LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, located at Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland. The LinkedIn Insight Tag helps display targeted ads on LinkedIn and gather real-time information about website visitors' professional goals and interests. This tool allows us to collect data about website visits, including URL, referrer URL, IP address, device and browser information, as well as the timestamp. Shortened or hashed IP addresses may be used, if used to track members across devices.

The personal data collected is transmitted to LinkedIn and processed by them for conversion measurement, and LinkedIn may provide us with anonymized reports. This conversion measurement helps us evaluate and optimize the effectiveness of our LinkedIn ads for statistical and market research purposes (“Conversions” are events such as white paper downloads or event registrations).

The LinkedIn Insight Tag can be utilized for retargeting by showing LinkedIn ads to individuals who have had previous contact with us. When you interact with a LinkedIn ad, a conversion tracking cookie is saved on your computer. If the cookie has not expired and you visit our website, we will be able to identify that you clicked on the ad and were redirected to our site. This information will also be received by LinkedIn as the service provider.

The legal basis for the processing of your data is your consent in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR. At the same time, you consent that your personal data may be transmitted to LinkedIn in the United States. It is important to note that third countries such as the United States generally do not offer a comparable level of data protection and privacy, and access by third parties (e.g. authorities) cannot be ruled out.

You can deactivate the LinkedIn Insight Tag and implement other advertising objections in the settings for advertisements on: or supplementary at:

More information about LinkedIn Insight Tag:

For more information on general data processing by LinkedIn, please visit the LinkedIn website: or contact LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company at Attn: Legal Dept. (Privacy Policy and User Agreement), Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland.