TDK Electronics · TDK Europe

Ceramic Transient Voltage Suppressors CTVS Multilayer Varistors for Surge Protection

 CTVS Image

Key Features

  • High runner types for industrial and Telecommunication applications
  • UL approval to UL1449 (file number E481997)
  • High surge voltage capability up to 2 kV for 10/700 μs acc. to IEC 61000-4-5
  • No temperature derating from -40°C up to 125°C

Ordering No.: B72499H9999K199

For more information, please download the sample kit PDF or order from our distributors.

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Number of hits: 16
PDF Inventory Main Application Design Case size Max. operating voltage (V DC) Max. operating voltage (V AC) Surge current (8/20µs) (A) Energy absorption (mJ) Features/Series Clamping voltage @ 1 A (V) Capacitance, typ. (pF) Capacitance, max. (pF) Type Ordering code Max. operating temperature (°C) Min. operating temperature (°C)
Industrial & Consumer Single chip 1210 85 60 200 2000 Standard series 165 200 - CT1210K60G B72530T0600K062 - 125 -55
Industrial Single chip 1210 65 50 1200 3000 Surge protection series 126 1200 - CT1210K50E2G B72530T6500K062 - 125 -55
Industrial Single chip 2220 85 60 800 6800 Surge protection series 165 800 - CT2220K60G B72540T0600K062 - 125 -55
Industrial & Consumer Single chip 2220 65 50 800 5600 Standard series 135 1000 - CT2220K50G B72540T0500K062 - 125 -55
Industrial Single chip 2220 63 50 4500 - Surge protection series 127 8800 - CT2220S50E3G B72540T6500S162 - 125 -55
Industrial Single chip 2220 65 50 4500 15000 Surge protection series 135 3000 - CT2220K50E2G B72540T6500K062 - 125 -55
Industrial & Consumer Single chip 1206 14 11 200 500 Standard series 33 300 - CT1206K11G B72520T0110K062 - 125 -55
Industrial Single chip 1812 65 50 400 4500 Surge protection series 135 500 - CT1812K50G B72580T0500K062 - 125 -55
Industrial & Consumer Single chip 2220 85 60 800 6800 Standard series 165 800 - CT2220K60G B72540T0600K062 - 125 -55
Industrial Single chip 2220 65 50 800 5600 Surge protection series 135 1000 - CT2220K50G B72540T0500K062 - 125 -55
Automotive Single chip 2220 38 30 1200 12000 Automotive E series 77 4000 - CT2220K30G B72540E0300K062 - 150 -55
Automotive Single chip 1210 18 14 400 1500 Automotive E series 38 2000 - CT1210K14G B72530E0140K062 - 150 -55
Automotive Single chip 2220 56 40 1000 9000 Automotive E series 110 2000 - CT2220K40G B72540E0400K062 - 150 -55
Industrial Single chip 1210 85 60 200 2000 Surge protection series 165 200 - CT1210K60G B72530T0600K062 - 125 -55
Industrial & Consumer Single chip 1812 65 50 400 4500 Standard series 135 500 - CT1812K50G B72580T0500K062 - 125 -55
Industrial Single chip 2220 38 30 5000 15000 Surge protection series 77 10000 - CT2220K30E2G B72540T6300K062 - 125 -55
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