TDK Electronics · TDK Europe

Performance meets responsibility

ModCap Biofilm
Award-winning Film Capacitors
New material, huge impact!

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Explore how the ModCap series new material contributes to a more sustainable future in railway traction and industrial applications.

Moving forward in the search for new innovative solutions, TDK focuses on developing technologies, processes, and components that meet the performance requirements of industrial, renewable energy, and rail traction systems while reducing the environmental impact.

In this way, we take a further step towards a more circular and resilient economy.

Nature’s Film. Tomorrow’s Tech.

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We make your inverter greener!

The innovative approach in the use of this polypropylene film reduces greenhouse gas (CO) emissions significantly without adding costs, compared to solutions based on fossil feedstock.

Learn more about sustainable materials:

Download material presentation (pdf)

Pure Power!

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Empower your innovations with a clear conscience

Second-generation biocircular polypropylene film (BOPP base film) uses certified post-consumer waste content from agriculture, forestry, and related industries as feedstock, without compromising performance.

Learn more about ISCC PLUS Certification:

Download ISCC PLUS presentation (pdf)

Engineered for the future!

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Powering progress across many industries

Within the high-power power capacitor industry, TDK is pioneering the integration of this biocircular film through the ModCap series, which has been redesigned to optimize performance while taking a decisive step towards a more responsible future in railway, solar energy, wind energy, and other industrial applications. 

See details on ModCap MF series & ModCap HF series:

ModCap MF datasheet (pdf) ModCap HF datasheet (pdf)

Get Your Ultimate Guide to ModCap!

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Start your transformation towards Eco-design!

Read our whitepaper to take the opportunity to learn more about TDK's sustainable and efficient approach that can transform your industry.

In this document, you will find detailed information on how TDK’s ModCap series combines performance and sustainability. It delves into the problem of plastic waste, and how biocircular polypropylene film not only reduces the carbon footprint but actually overcompensates it. Finally, it highlights some of the performance characteristics of the ModCap series.

Contact our experts!

Are you interested in BioFilm? 

Our expert Natalia Iriondo will be glad to help you.

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